What Does the Gospel
of Christ Look Like
in Street Contexts?
Theologically-grounded urban ministry resources -- ideas, information and insights for those looking to connect with those influenced by, involved or immersed in street / hip-hop / urban youth culture.
Dedicated to locating, encouraging, mentoring & supplying modern-day Joshua/Caleb-types : Numbers 13-14
What up, saints!
Where we at?
Wary 'n' proud. Fun 'n' funny. Gifted 'n' open. Strugglin’ 'n' searchin’. Contrary 'n' sharp. Endearin’ 'n' endangered. Doomed? Not in God’s economy! What we got for those young people we see, hear, know ‘n’ love – that can help ‘em win over the Goliath they face every day? (The Street)
TGTS 2.0: The Gospel / The Street
What's goin' on
Witness Card "A" side
Witness Card "B" side
Big up ya quest, son. Sis.
Origins, Development & Emanative Reach
of Rap Music & Hip-Hop Culture
Rap & Hip-Hop in situ - key pre-cursors, movements, events, artists, elements, music, dates, media, attainments, tragedies, global reach, et al. The PDF is crisp, clean 'n' clear. Works even better as a clickable PowerPoint slide as the historical flow rolls from the upper left corner to the lower right.
TGTS 2.0: The Gospel / The Street / YUBM Ministries
More t' Chew On
Witness Card "A" side (Original)
Big questions need big answers
Witness Card "B" side (Original)
Psalm 23: The Remix
True School Poetics v. Blab of the Pave:
The undun Re-Deemed
A multimedia look at the street, rap lyrics, hip-hop & oral cultures,
their Biblical precedents & Scripture's street connectivities
Graffiti by Gerald Dial
Rapologetics: How the Gospel of Christ Takes On the Street
D.Min. project, Westminster Theological Seminary, 2016.
Abstract: An in-depth illustrated examination of the divide between the Church and hip-hop culture, singularly focused on Scripture’s capacity for crossing said chasm. After mapping out Biblical and theological foundations (discovering numerous parallels with hip-hop culture and rap music), the author exegetes the street (following Nehemiah 1-2 and Acts 17:16-34), analyzing its worldview, value system, trusted armor, operational strategies, codes, etc., exhorting the saints to engage its challenges and uncertainties to discover God’s hidden treasure (the imago Dei), tucked away in difficult, obscure places. A course of study is offered, enabling the saints to reach unreached street-oriented young urban Black males in situ.
TGTS 2.0 is a re-working of Rapologetics.
Below is a brochure for the "The Gospel / The Street 2.0" seminar.
The PDF will give you a pretty good handle on TGTS 2.0's content.
Christocentric, Theologically-Rich, Systems-Based Contextual Ministry Research and Analysis
Street-Oriented, Context-Specific, Custom-Tailored Video Conferencing, Seminars and Workshops
Small Group, One-on-One, Phone Consulting
Portrait by Kat Morgans. Background photo ©2022 by Mark Henninger. Used by kind permission. More at https://imagicdigital.com/newsite/